Friday, 28 April 2017

Mind your language

“The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust.”-Josh Bilings 

Unfortunately, in most homes, we find families throwing hurtful, intimidating and careless words that cause pain, fear and guilt. Most people have learnt too late what the bible means when it says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). How many of us have wrecked havoc on our spouses, children, brothers or sisters with our words? How many have killed dreams, emotions, and destroyed years of building relationships with the hurtful things said.

Even though you may be an expert with the quick retorts and swear language, what do you gain when you fire off such verbal abuses?.
The bible speaks of the tongue’s destructive power and warns that those who misuse their tongue will eat whatever fruit they plant. This is often resentment, discord, revenge and poison to their relationships. On the other hand, those who sow kindness, love, and encouragement in their speech will also reap the good fruits.

Resist the inclination to attack with hurtful words.  May your words bring life to others

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


The bible tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. He comes to steal our time and waste our purpose. He often uses distractions which cause us to procrastinate.  I have been guilty of procrastination and it resulted in missing a wonderful opportunity. Procrastination is a major stealer of time. It means putting off intentionally something that should be done or the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. People who procrastinate often choose to carry out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones.
In Matthew 25:1-13, we find the story of ten virgins. They were awaiting the return of the bridegroom. Five of the virgins were fully prepared with extra oil for their lamp, while the others did not have enough oil. The bridegroom took a long time and they all fell asleep. Suddenly they heard the midnight cry announcing the arrival of the bridegroom. They all woke and got their lamps ready. The five wise virgins were prepared. But the five foolish virgins had ample time to get enough oil but kept putting it off/ procrastinating. At the end, they did not make it to the wedding. They missed out forever.
This parable has great significance for me. We will look at the lessons over the next few days.We must recognise that when we procrastinate we gamble with our future. We often think that we still have lots of time and allow trivial things like social media, texting, television, games, idle chatter, and lots more to distract us.

Take some time look at what you are investing your time in. Is there is anything that you should be doing now but you are putting off deliberately? Don’t forget that procrastination could hurt your future. Redeem your time

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Wrestling in prayer

Continuing the story from yesterday, Jacob wrestled with an angel.  That night he began praying because he wasn’t sure of what will happen when he met his brother Esau. As he cried out to God for strength and deliverance, he ended up wrestling with God himself. The more he prayed the more the presence of God was so real that he wrestled with all that was in Him. Jacob refused to let go until he received his blessings.
The angel could have overpowered him but he did not. He allowed Jacob to hang on because he saw that his faith was growing as he wrestled in prayer. As Jacob clung desperately, the angel touched his hip as a reminder of the encounter forever. Even with a dislocated hip, he didn’t let go pleading for His blessing.
It is significant that they wrestled until daybreak. The darkness symbolises Jacob’s situation and ours today. It was a long struggle. When Jacob understood it was not an ordinary struggle he pleaded “I will not let You go unless You bless me”.  At this point they were not wrestling anymore, Jacob was just holding on. He now understood that you do not get anywhere with God by struggling and resisting, but by yielding and just holding on.

When you are willing to hold on, God is always ready to help you. The Lord desires that we persist in prayer and align ourselves with His will. The Angel gave him a new name. “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel”. Jacob would no longer be called the supplanter (he who grasps), but the prevailer because he struggled with God, to gain the blessing, and with men (Esau & Laban), and overcame. New names have a significance. For Jacob it was possession. This new name would always be a reminder of his new destiny, and the new limp a reminder to live in the fear of the lord. Jacob received his blessing, this time it wasn’t obtained by deceit and treachery but rightfully.

Take a few moments to thin about these questions:
How long does God have to wrestle with you before you yield all aspects of your life to Him? What does He have to dislocate in your life before you come to the end of yourself?

Monday, 24 April 2017

Be alone with the Lord

Most people are uncomfortable in silence, being still is not something we like very much.  We get fidgety on a quiet train, bus or aeroplane, finding solace on our phones and tablets. When driving we turn on the radio even if we are not listening. Most times these distractions prevent us from acknowledging the longing within us for more. It is by sitting in silence and taking a look within that we become aware of our deepest need.

Jacob sent his family and possessions across the stream and was left alone. It was at this point that he wrestled with God. In that encounter, he came face to face with his true nature. He admitted his name was ‘Jacob’ which meant- the one who grasps. And God gave him a new name Isreal because he had overcome. He was no longer going to keep grasping and wrestling but was now an overcomer. This experience came about when he was stripped of the noise, and spent time in solitude.

Finding time away from the distractions and the noisiness all around helps us to truly look within and be honest about who we really are. We can name our fears and our faults, our longings and our hurts. In our brokenness and quietness, we allow God to reshape us, to heal us, to bring us new blessings. Will you give yourself some space today? Will you find some time alone with God? Will you allow the Spirit of God to bring to the surface the things you are ashamed of? so that He can give you a new name. When we wait for God alone we will find Him.

Don’t settle for the false securities of life. Don’t settle for the busyness and noise of life. Don’t hold on to momentary attachments and short-lived pleasures. Take a moment to ‘send it all across the river’, find time to be still, and wait on the lord.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Peace in a chaotic world

We live in a troubled and chaotic world. News of poverty, terrorism, war, injustice, violence, shootings and natural disasters constantly pour out from the media. This is not how it should be. Something is definitely wrong with our world. Many have found themselves helpless in the face of all the troubles. We often wonder how we can find peace in a world full of chaos.

The disciples wondered the same thing when the wind and waves from the storm battered their fishing boats. Their boat was violently pushed from side to side. With so much chaos and trouble all around, they feared for their life.  After struggling in vain, they ran to find Jesus asleep. ‘How could he be asleep in this storm?  Doesn’t he care that we die?’, they called out to Jesus.

It is worth noting that Jesus first rebuked their lack of faith before he rebuked the storm. He expected them to have faith despite the storm. Perhaps he expected that they will rebuke the storm. In these troubled times, are you struggling to fight the wind and waves in fear like the disciples? Or are you standing in faith to say “peace be still”? Are you seeking Jesus as your first resort or you looking for him after failing in your power?

Certainly, the world is in disarray. Things are not as they should be, but take a moment and be still. You will see that God is in control. He is the Lord of the wind and the waves and He can give you peace in every storm. Despite the chaos and troubles in the world, He assures you of His peace. No matter what you face today, God is saying- "Let not your heart be troubled". Put your faith in God. Be still and know that he is God.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

For the joy

I often hear mothers recount stories of childbirth and there are always stories of long hours of labour, pain, induction and all sort of experiences.  Some even try to compare who had the longest labour or more heart-wrenching story.  I find it amazing that many women still willingly put themselves through the pain even after hearing these stories. The conclusion of childbirth stories for most mothers is that it was worth it once they first held their babies or when they gazed at those little eyes. They were overwhelmed with love and barely felt  the pain

Jesus knew the implications of the cross. He knew He will suffer, be in pain and die a most horrid death. Yet for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. For the joy of our salvation, it was worth it. For the joy that one day we will rule and reign with Him forever, it was worth it.

The call to follow Christ is not an easy one as there will be times of rejection, persecution, difficulty and temptation. But irrespective of what we face as followers of Jesus, a glorious future awaits us.
We can look forward knowing that one day - “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone forever.” Rev 21:4

One day we will see our Saviour face to face, and enter into His presence, and nothing else will matter. Oh, the joy on that day when our pain, hurt, tears, and disappointments are forgotten with the embrace of His perfect love. Oh, what joy when we see our Lord face to face! May this season bring us a fresh reminder of the glory to come and the wonderful gift of forgiveness God has offered to us.  May we be filled with inexpressible joy as we run the race set before us.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Be still when anxious

What are you worried about today? Is it money?  A friendship or relationship? Maybe health concerns have let you feeling overwhelmed. Jesus knows all of our concerns. He is attentive to our heart and knows what we are worried about. Our worries are not trivial or unimportant to Him but they don't produce the result we seek rather it steals our peace. Only God can provide the things we hope for, only God can work out every situation for His glory and our good.
In the book of psalms, we are called to be still and wait patiently for God to act. But waiting is hard, I have experienced it. Worrying, on the other hand, is active; it gives us something to do, say, or to talk about with others. Jesus teaches that when we feel overwhelmed by life, it is important to let our hearts be still and wait.

Recall a story from the bible, where Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha.  While Martha busily prepared meals, Mary sat and listened to Jesus. Martha got overwhelmed, worried, and upset about all the work that had to be done, and about Mary not helping. Jesus said to her, 'Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things, but only one thing is necessary.’
Jesus definitely cares about our concerns, but He also knows the one thing that is necessary. Just like Martha, I was recently overwhelmed with all that was going on in my life. In my anxiety, I said to the Lord, ‘how can you let this happen?’... Then the still small voice of the spirit said to me, "You have all you need". ‘Lord do you mean I don't need this and that?’ I questioned. Then I heard it again ‘if you don't have it now you don't need it, stop worrying, I see it all and you have all you need’.

As the new month begins, let God lead you to what is necessary. Before the rush of each day, before the cares and concerns race to overtake you, stop for a moment. Picture yourself at the feet of Jesus. Be still, be quiet in your heart and listen.

Stop worrying about the actions of others, about what they did or didn't do. Wait on the lord and remember that only God can bring about what we are hoping for. Be still, and wait.