What are you worried about today? Is it money? A friendship or relationship? Maybe health concerns have let you feeling overwhelmed. Jesus knows all of our concerns. He is attentive to our heart and knows what we are worried about. Our worries are not trivial or unimportant to Him but they don't produce the result we seek rather it steals our peace. Only God can provide the things we hope for, only God can work out every situation for His glory and our good.
In the book of psalms, we are called to be still and wait patiently for God to act. But waiting is hard, I have experienced it. Worrying, on the other hand, is active; it gives us something to do, say, or to talk about with others. Jesus teaches that when we feel overwhelmed by life, it is important to let our hearts be still and wait.
Recall a story from the bible, where Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha. While Martha busily prepared meals, Mary sat and listened to Jesus. Martha got overwhelmed, worried, and upset about all the work that had to be done, and about Mary not helping. Jesus said to her, 'Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things, but only one thing is necessary.’
Jesus definitely cares about our concerns, but He also knows the one thing that is necessary. Just like Martha, I was recently overwhelmed with all that was going on in my life. In my anxiety, I said to the Lord, ‘how can you let this happen?’... Then the still small voice of the spirit said to me, "You have all you need". ‘Lord do you mean I don't need this and that?’ I questioned. Then I heard it again ‘if you don't have it now you don't need it, stop worrying, I see it all and you have all you need’.
As the new month begins, let God lead you to what is necessary. Before the rush of each day, before the cares and concerns race to overtake you, stop for a moment. Picture yourself at the feet of Jesus. Be still, be quiet in your heart and listen.
Stop worrying about the actions of others, about what they did or didn't do. Wait on the lord and remember that only God can bring about what we are hoping for. Be still, and wait.