Thursday, 30 March 2017

Dream to Action

All dream are created twice, firstly in the mind and then in the physical. All businesses, inventions, works of art, or buildings are first conceived in the imagination. Though everything begins with an idea, dreams/ideas become reality when we believe and work towards achieving them.

Our dreams will never exceed an imagination if we do not intentionally work towards them. Simply put, we can't achieve what we don’t believe. While having an idea is very important, the execution of that idea is what matters more. If your dream is to be a writer, own a business, lose weight or have a happier home, you must take actions towards achieving them. This often involves hard work and sometimes tears.

I like people who think because they make me think. But It's those who are doers that I love even more because they inspire me to action. They make things happen. In one of my favourite stories from the bible the master says: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The master did not say “Well planned, well thought, or well said… good and faithful servant”. No! he said Well done to the one who put in some action. Setting goals are brilliant but we must be inspired and committed enough to go after them.
 “Without perspiration to match your inspiration, your dream imagined will turn into a dream deferred” – Mark Batterson

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Your destiny unfolds

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”...Every time I read this verse I'm deeply encouraged, consequently, it gives me a sense of destiny and purpose. Isn't it wonderful to know that God knew you before you were conceived? He ordained your days, ordered your footsteps, and prepared good works for you in advance.

Many people rarely discern their destiny at a particular time, while for others their destiny's are revealed after they die. Consider King David from the bible, he may have reigned over a kingdom of millions, but the book of psalms, have inspired billions. It can be said to be David’s longest legacy. And I don't think he realised it at the time. For some, your greatest influence might be posthumous. God ways are not our ways, He has the final say and gets the glory at the end. Your greatest influence might be the church or children or charitable work that outlive you. It may be in the books you have written, your songs, live videos or blogs. It may be in the help you rendered to the homeless, the widows, the orphaned or the needy.

Just because something is not a part of your life plan doesn’t mean it’s not a part of your destiny. Without knowing it, God may be fulfilling his call on your life. Your part is to obey Him and He will take it from there. With every experience in my life, it's clear to me that God is working out his plan even when I do not realise it. Likewise, God is working out his purpose in your life even when you are not aware of it. He is working out his good, pleasing, and perfect plan in all things. All the experiences of the past are preparing you for something great in your future. God uses everything and wastes nothing, consequently, for what may look like a setback, God has already prepared a comeback. The God who works all things together for good will use every experience, every mistake, and every skill you have acquired to lead you to your destiny.

Before your conception, God had the script for your life. And He is in the process of fulfilling that destiny.

Monday, 27 March 2017

The word heals

Everyone has a past and for most people, the past experiences are not full of wonderful memories with pictures of rainbows and roses. For many people, a majority of their present troubles in life have their roots in the past and they find it difficult letting go. Satan often uses the negative experiences of the to try and hinder the present and the future.

I have learned that changing my life first begins with a change in my mind. I must seek something stronger and more powerful to replace the negatives in my life and there is nothing stronger and more powerful than the word of God. It is the word of God which transforms our minds creating a new picture or vision. When we have a new vision it translates into the words that we speak, changing the whole course of life.

Holding on to past hurts opens the door to long-term bitterness, anger issues, unforgiveness and hatred.  But when you replace the negative words, opinions and hurts with God’s words, nothing can stop you from fulfilling God’s purposes and plans for your life. To heal from the past confront it, accept it happened, renew your mind and start speaking life into your future

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Tribute to my Mum

My mother is priceless, I don’t think I could live without her. Though she has six biological children her undying love for every one of us is like no other. She exudes this love in so many ways to all her children biological, spiritual, adopted, foster, son and daughters in law alike. My mother makes life full, exciting, purposeful and brings out the best in us. She has the most beautiful soul and has set a good example for us to serve, accomplish and persevere. She is a wonderful woman full of strength, wisdom, determination and kindness.
She is a great teacher, who gives guidance to anyone who asks. She is a true friend and confidant, comfort, rock, cushion when we fall and the best source of hope and inspiration in difficult times. She is selfless and very kind. She sacrificed so much for her family, taking on all types of trades and businesses to ensure that we got the best. She is a woman whose love for her husband is one to admire, a virtuous woman, a godly woman, always putting God first in all things. She mentions the names of all her children before God in prayer every day- Yes she is a woman of prayer and the word. Though from humble beginnings God lifted her up as light to the nations. God did what only He can do in her life.

I count myself blessed to have my mother through life’s journey in joy and sorrow. She has been my support through obstacles. I have seen grace overflowing in her life, being there as an encouragement to all who know her. She is a great teacher that has shaped the lives of many and is still raising generations. She is an inspiration to many and a woman of integrity. A mother who always makes her children proud and to whom we can always look up. She encourages, guides, teaches, trains and lets us see that there is no limit to achieving greatness. Nneoma! Ezinne! Adadioramma! Ochiora nwanyi generations rise and call you blessed. Happy mother’s day mum, we love you.

To all mothers married, unmarried, with children, or still hoping for children. To those mothers who have gone before but whose memories are still very dear in our hearts. To mothers who keep sleepless nights praying that their children will find their way back to God… The lord says you are blessed and so are your seed.  Happy Mother’s Day

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Let your light shine

In today’s papers, there was a picture of paramedics giving first aid and trying to save the life of the man who had committed the act of terror in London. It touched my heart and I tried to imagine how they must have felt. Was it duty, love or responsibility? I may not know the reason, but it reminded me of mankind. Though we were full of sin and deserving to die, God showed His love to us by sending His son Jesus Christ as our saviour. We did not deserve to be shown mercy but He did. All of us who are alive have been given another chance to accept Gods love and to change our ways because of what Jesus did on the cross.

Another point worth noting is that if we treat others according to how they have treated us, are we any different to those who don't know God? All God’s children are called to be light. We should treat others with love, respect and kindness irrespective of who they are or what they have done. It is hard but our light shines brightest by our actions.

PS: my heart and prayers go out to the families of all who lost loved ones or who were injured as a result of this. It was a senseless act and only God can truly comfort and heal the vacuum in your heart

Friday, 24 March 2017

Choose love

The events of the London terror attack is another reminder of what hate can do. So many thoughts and emotions ran through my head as a watched the events unfold on the news. I felt so sad for the innocent people, going about their daily lives who were killed or were badly injured that day. There is so much news of terror in the world but this one was so close. I couldn’t help but remember how many times I have been in that area, in fact just a few weeks earlier I was on that bridge with my kids. Lord I prayed, ‘why would you let such happen’, but that's the reality of today's world.We live in difficult trying times, times when the heart of men are seeking how to hurt or cause pain and destroy.

In times like this, we must let our light outshine the darkness all around. We need to show love to a hurting world. We must not let the evil acts of others define who we are, or how we react to situations.  We must hold on to the biblical truths of loving God and others. We should show kindness without any fear and always remember that a life of love has more benefits than one of hatred.

 In the midst of all the crisis in the world Jesus says in John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Discipline and Self-control

Just like we need a balanced diet to grow physically, we need a balanced diet to grow strong in the Lord. This includes not just comfort and encouragement, but also clear instruction on what you must do to grow in your faith. Discipline and self-control are very important virtues for Christians, because without these we may never achieve the dreams and goals God has planted in our heart. To be the person God wants you to be you must learn to practice discipline and self-control.
Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it's painful! But afterwards, there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way” (NLT).
Living with discipline and self-control yields a harvest of peace that exceeds the momentary pleasure of living without boundaries. Saying “no” to the things that poison our life, means we are saying "yes" to things that contribute to the wellness of our spirit. God puts some people and allows some situations in your life to polish and mold you into the image of Christ. Stop saying that self-control is too hard or that you don't have any willpower and start spending more time with God. Everything comes together when we spend time with God. He gives us the strength to be self-controlled even in the most tempting situation.

If you want to build discipline and self-control into your life, study, pray and stay in the presence of God. It is the Lord who makes things happen in your life, without Him we can do nothing. Desire more of Gods plan for your life than just getting your own way.

Friday, 10 March 2017

He is not slow

We live in a fast world we want everything to speed up for us. Waiting at the traffic light for a few minutes often feels like an hour.  We hate waiting at the checkout, we want it all fast. We often get disappointed with God if our answers don't come quickly.

The truth is that God does not really move according to our timetable and our desire for a quick passage every time. What we see as slowness is not that way to God. We are His masterpiece. He did not make us in a rush or hurry and His plans for our life is for excellence, to serve and fulfil His good purpose a day at a time and not speedily or in a hurry. When it seems the Lord is delaying in answering our prayer, He is not. There is always a lesson for our benefit. His desire is that we learn to listen; to patiently wait; to seek Him wholeheartedly; to build our faith and trust only in Him. Always keep your hope alive - have that positive attitude that something good is about to happen. Believe it because God is working for your good at all times, He is working out His master plan for you.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Choose life

As we march on in this season of lent let us not fail to remember that with every choice we make comes a consequence. What this means, is that even though we freely choose what we do, we don't freely choose the result of such action. Quite often ask I stop to consider the consequence of choices I make and this has helped me make better decisions. Asking myself ‘why’ or seeking to remember the reason I started in the first place often keeps me in check and helps me to keep growing in the right direction.

Lent is a time, to be honest about our choices and their consequences to ourselves and to others around us. God clearly says in the bible that He gives us a choice but we should choose life. Having said that, we have all made bad choices at some point in our lives and some are still making such choices. The good news is that - it is not the end of the world because we can make a different choice and that is the opportunity Jesus gave us when He chose to die for our sins.

The encouragement today is that regardless of where we are, regardless of how dark it may seem, regardless of the choices we have made, we have been given the opportunity to make a fresh choice for life. Remember the God’s invite: “Now choose life so that you and your children may live”. As you go about your daily tasks ask yourself if your choices are bringing life or taking life from you. Declare that you choose life and life in abundance. Ask God to for guidance and direction to make choices that bring life and give Him all the glory for giving us abundant life in Jesus

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Ash Wednesday

Many people will have ashes crossed on their foreheads today. It signifies Ash Wednesday- the beginning of lent and a reminder that we came from dust and one day will return to dust. It is important that we remember we are not going to live on this earth forever. Most of the things that we chase now - what to wear, how we look, money, what we own (houses, cars, jewellery, etc) are temporal. Our first priority should be the health/ well-being of our souls as this will last for eternity. As we begin this new season let us constantly remember that we belong to God, return to him and seek Him with all your heart.God bless you