Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Your destiny unfolds

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”...Every time I read this verse I'm deeply encouraged, consequently, it gives me a sense of destiny and purpose. Isn't it wonderful to know that God knew you before you were conceived? He ordained your days, ordered your footsteps, and prepared good works for you in advance.

Many people rarely discern their destiny at a particular time, while for others their destiny's are revealed after they die. Consider King David from the bible, he may have reigned over a kingdom of millions, but the book of psalms, have inspired billions. It can be said to be David’s longest legacy. And I don't think he realised it at the time. For some, your greatest influence might be posthumous. God ways are not our ways, He has the final say and gets the glory at the end. Your greatest influence might be the church or children or charitable work that outlive you. It may be in the books you have written, your songs, live videos or blogs. It may be in the help you rendered to the homeless, the widows, the orphaned or the needy.

Just because something is not a part of your life plan doesn’t mean it’s not a part of your destiny. Without knowing it, God may be fulfilling his call on your life. Your part is to obey Him and He will take it from there. With every experience in my life, it's clear to me that God is working out his plan even when I do not realise it. Likewise, God is working out his purpose in your life even when you are not aware of it. He is working out his good, pleasing, and perfect plan in all things. All the experiences of the past are preparing you for something great in your future. God uses everything and wastes nothing, consequently, for what may look like a setback, God has already prepared a comeback. The God who works all things together for good will use every experience, every mistake, and every skill you have acquired to lead you to your destiny.

Before your conception, God had the script for your life. And He is in the process of fulfilling that destiny.

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