I have a favourite parking spot when I do the school run. And for the past two years, I always park at a particular side of the school gate. In fact, most of the other parents know exactly where to look for my car when they need me. This morning, for no reason, I drove past my favourite spot and went round to park at the back gate. My daughter asked me why and I reminded her that she once asked if she could use the back gate to school. Few minutes after we parked, a police car and then an ambulance raced passed us.
When we got into the school, another parent asked if I had witnessed the accident. “ No, What accident?” I inquired. There had been a major accident right where we park and the driver had been taken to the hospital.
I was shocked, all I could think about was what would have happened if I was there. Was this good luck, chance or just grace. I dare say its grace. God works in ways we do not understand. Many times when He prompts us to do a thing, we may not know why but as his children we are sure that He watches over us even when we don’t realise it. It’s not chance, it’s by His grace.
Monday, 22 May 2017
Monday, 15 May 2017
So do not fear
So many people have lost their jobs, others are fearful for theirs. We hear news of hours reduced, pay freeze, benefits cut, pressure for early retirement and bankruptcy. All these can cause fear in us. Money worries cause arguments in homes, parents feel the pressure when they can't give their kids the life they would like to. People live in fear of losing their homes, many have no savings – these uncertainties makes the heart fearful
However, today’s message is - Do not fear, do not worry. When we fear and worry, Satan tries to use our hardships as proof that God doesn't care or is weak, absent, incompetent, has given up on us, and left us to struggle alone. This is, however, a lie and very far from the truth.God loves us. Most times Gods saving and loving plans are accomplished not only in pleasure but also through difficulties and hardships. He blesses us in all pleasures and hardships. He holds our hands in times of lack and plenty.
Paul knew both plenty and lack, and he had learned to see God at work in both situations. He had learned to be thankful for the easy days. But he also learned the value of drawing strength from God when he was empty.
"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:10).When you are empty when the pressures come to weigh you down, watch God make a way out of no way. Watch the miracle of manna from heaven recreated before you. God will provide everything you need just-in-time.
Friday, 12 May 2017
What to be thankful for [3]
God has blessed us, and we should be thankful for each blessing. Give thanks to God for the things you have. Most people are never satisfied with what they have - It doesn’t matter if they are rich or poor, healthy or sick. We must realise that everything we have has been given to us by God. David wrote “Wealth and honour come from you … We give you thanks and praise your glorious name … Everything comes from you” (1 Chron 29:12-14). Wealth doesn’t fill the emptiness in the heart. It is that Christ fills our life with meaning and purpose.
We should be grateful even if don’t have much, learn to be thankful for everything that God has given you. A heart of thankfulness makes all the difference. Most of us are constantly preoccupied with what we don’t have, forgetting to thank God for what we do have. Thank God for the people in your life. It is very easy to take people for granted, to complain and become angry when they do not meet your every wish. When was the last time you gave thanks to God for those around you - children, spouses, relatives, friends and those who have helped you in some way?
Let others know that you appreciate them. My daughter often hugs me and says I love you, mummy, you are the best. I can’t begin to describe how happy I feel every time I hear those words. Learn to appreciate those around you, tell them how much they mean to you and praise God for them.
Thank God in the midst of trials and persecution. The bible encourages us to thank God even in suffering because the testing of our faith produces perseverance. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. God knows the trials you may be facing right now, He loves you and is with you in that situation. Cultivate a spirit of thankfulness even in trials and heartaches.
Thank God especially for the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. He died on the cross and rose again so that we can know Him personally and spend eternity with Him in heaven. God loves you and wants you to be part of His family forever. All you need to do is reach out in faith and accept Christ as our Saviour and Lord: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NIV).
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
Be thankful [2]
One morning, I called out to my daughter to come down for breakfast. She replied by saying that she was figuring out how to wear her badge and would come when she was done. Moments later, I heard her say “oh yes! thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus”. She was so happy, praising God that she was able to wear her badge.
Her joy for what many people may consider trivial got me thinking. We often forget to thank God or praise Him for the little things. We often take it for granted that we wake up every day going about our daily life. We would remember to give thanks if we bought a house or car or got some huge amount of money because we consider that big. But, think about this little child who praised God endlessly for wearing a badge and learn a lesson in gratitude.
In the bible, 10 lepers come up to Jesus outside a village, begging Him to heal them. Jesus restored all of them to perfect health—but only one came back and thanked Him. All the rest left without a word of thanks, they thought only of themselves and showed no gratitude for their healing. Sadly, we are not very different today. Ungratefulness and thanklessness are so common. We take it for granted when others help us, children no longer thank their parents, courtesy is not common anymore and most of all, we fail to give God thanks for all His blessings.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Are you thankful no matter the situation? Perhaps you have recently lost your job, Or you may have lost your health or a loved one. Such situations can be really difficult. But in all things, we all have much to be thankful for. We are thankful because we know that we have a God who is greater than every situation.

Always give thanks for everything no matter the situation. Giving thanks for Paul was not a once-a-year celebration. It wasn't an occasional thing which depended on how he felt. It was a daily commitment to be a joyful person in every situation and this changed his life.
We should give thanks to God for all His blessings. We should give thanks no matter what we face or how we feel. We must not allow a spirit of ingratitude to harden our heart and make our relationship with God and with others grow cold. Ungratefulness turns us into bitter, selfish, dissatisfied people, while a true spirit of thankfulness restores contentment, peace, hope and the joy of our salvation.
Monday, 8 May 2017
All things are possible
I know what it feels like to start a project and not
finish it or to put a dream on hold because other things got in the way. I am
sure we've all experienced frustrations at some point in our life, losing the
zeal we started with. Today let’s remember that God desires to help us finish
whatever we start. The Bible says, "With God all things are possible"
(Matthew 19:26).When we feel a passion for doing something, most often God
put that desire in us. Ignoring this passion often leaves us unfulfilled and we
spend our life towing paths that do not satisfy. It is never late to press the reset button and start over.
Even when we're tempted to think that it's too late, with God, it's never too
late. And God will give us what we need, especially in times of adversity.
Remember that stepping out to do what God has planned for us
doesn’t mean the absence of opposition or a jolly ride. We must be ready to
stand our ground when opposition comes along. Paul said, "A wide door of opportunity for effectual service has
opened to me…and there are many adversaries" (1 Corinthians 16:9). Adversaries are like giants, they come in different forms
-little ones and big ones. They come like a mental attack, through a person
close to you, or through financial strains.The devil sets us up to get us upset. He knows that when we
are upset, we stop hearing from God and start hearing is our own frustration
and thoughts, and become provoked at others.
However, to fulfil God's call on
your life, you have to learn how to face adversity and overcome it. We must
ignore the criticism and remember the past victories God has given you,
especially in those trying times. Don’t look at how far you have to go but look
at how far you have come. Watch what you
say and speak the Word over every situation. We must be totally dependent on
God. We don't need to look at ourselves rather we need to look at God knowing
that with Him, all things are possible.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Value your time
It is important to remember how short our time on earth in the context of eternity. Most people think that they are valuable and wise with more money. The truth is that wisdom comes from learning to value our time. Those who value their time value their lives and others around them, they are effective in wat they do, and they understand the important of making the most each moment.
Thomas Edison said, “Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose.”
The world now is such that people hurry around on a daily basis to gather wealth and riches while neglecting their families, their children and even health. It is worth remembering that we can't get back time that has gone. Jim Rohn said, “Time is more value than money, you can get more money, but you cannot get more time”
We must be wise in the way we manage our lives. Create lasting memories with your family that will outlive you. Be a present parent, make time to watch movies, go to church, take a walk together or even have dinner together. Be wise in what you invest your life in today. In another 20years will look back and be happy with how you lived or will you wish you spent little more time with your loved ones?
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
“And five of them were wise, and five were foolish” (Matt 25:2). The bible calls the virgins who did not take extra oil in their lamps foolish. We see that all 10 virgins had a lamp and oil at the start of the story. We can liken them to Christians who await the return of our bridegroom –Jesus.
The parable defines the wise as those who took a supply of oil in their lamps and kept it burning till the bridegroom came. Permit me to describe this oil as an inward supply grace that keeps the flame burning. A flame that the master will see on His return as an indicator of our readiness to be with Him. Oil in the bible is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. It represents an inward grace and source of a new spiritual life when a commitment is made to follow Jesus. Both the wise as well as the foolish, fell asleep awaiting the bridegroom. In a world of stress and troubles, they all felt the pressures and they all dozed off. Suddenly, at an unexpected hour, the bridegroom was on his way. The all awoke to trim their lamps. It was at that point that the foolishness of the five was glaring. Though they must have had oil enough in their lamps to keep them burning up to this moment, they did not make provision for exhaustion. They did not take extra oil to keep their lamp burning till the arrival bridegroom.
Ah! It was at the last minute they discovered their own folly. Perhaps they had laughed at the other girls for carrying extra oil, now they wished they were like them. The wise could not share their oil, The journey and grace are individual, the calling is personal. The foolish had to get the oil the legitimate way – go and buy from the source. I can imagine how they ran frantically to the shops. When the bridegroom arrived only those that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Those virgins had come to see their foolishness, they had now taken good advice and they were in the process of getting the only thing they lacked, however, it was too late. When the bridegroom comes, only those who are ready will be admitted. The foolish virgins kept knocking and banging saying, "Lord, Lord, open to us". Their eyes were wide open, and they realised all the consequences of their past foolishness.
Watch, therefore; for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of man shall come.
Friday, 28 April 2017
Mind your language
“The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust.”-Josh Bilings
Unfortunately, in most homes, we find families throwing hurtful, intimidating and careless words that cause pain, fear and guilt. Most people have learnt too late what the bible means when it says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). How many of us have wrecked havoc on our spouses, children, brothers or sisters with our words? How many have killed dreams, emotions, and destroyed years of building relationships with the hurtful things said.
Even though you may be an expert with the quick retorts and swear language, what do you gain when you fire off such verbal abuses?.
The bible speaks of the tongue’s destructive power and warns that those who misuse their tongue will eat whatever fruit they plant. This is often resentment, discord, revenge and poison to their relationships. On the other hand, those who sow kindness, love, and encouragement in their speech will also reap the good fruits.
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
The bible tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. He comes to steal our time and waste our purpose. He often uses distractions which cause us to procrastinate. I have been guilty of procrastination and it resulted in missing a wonderful opportunity. Procrastination is a major stealer of time. It means putting off intentionally something that should be done or the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. People who procrastinate often choose to carry out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones.
In Matthew 25:1-13, we find the story of ten virgins. They were awaiting the return of the bridegroom. Five of the virgins were fully prepared with extra oil for their lamp, while the others did not have enough oil. The bridegroom took a long time and they all fell asleep. Suddenly they heard the midnight cry announcing the arrival of the bridegroom. They all woke and got their lamps ready. The five wise virgins were prepared. But the five foolish virgins had ample time to get enough oil but kept putting it off/ procrastinating. At the end, they did not make it to the wedding. They missed out forever.
This parable has great significance for me. We will look at the lessons over the next few days.We must recognise that when we procrastinate we gamble with our future. We often think that we still have lots of time and allow trivial things like social media, texting, television, games, idle chatter, and lots more to distract us.
Take some time look at what you are investing your time in. Is there is anything that you should be doing now but you are putting off deliberately? Don’t forget that procrastination could hurt your future. Redeem your time
In Matthew 25:1-13, we find the story of ten virgins. They were awaiting the return of the bridegroom. Five of the virgins were fully prepared with extra oil for their lamp, while the others did not have enough oil. The bridegroom took a long time and they all fell asleep. Suddenly they heard the midnight cry announcing the arrival of the bridegroom. They all woke and got their lamps ready. The five wise virgins were prepared. But the five foolish virgins had ample time to get enough oil but kept putting it off/ procrastinating. At the end, they did not make it to the wedding. They missed out forever.
This parable has great significance for me. We will look at the lessons over the next few days.We must recognise that when we procrastinate we gamble with our future. We often think that we still have lots of time and allow trivial things like social media, texting, television, games, idle chatter, and lots more to distract us.
Take some time look at what you are investing your time in. Is there is anything that you should be doing now but you are putting off deliberately? Don’t forget that procrastination could hurt your future. Redeem your time
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Wrestling in prayer
Continuing the story from yesterday, Jacob wrestled with an angel. That night he began praying because he wasn’t sure of what will happen when he met his brother Esau. As he cried out to God for strength and deliverance, he ended up wrestling with God himself. The more he prayed the more the presence of God was so real that he wrestled with all that was in Him. Jacob refused to let go until he received his blessings.
The angel could have overpowered him but he did not. He allowed Jacob to hang on because he saw that his faith was growing as he wrestled in prayer. As Jacob clung desperately, the angel touched his hip as a reminder of the encounter forever. Even with a dislocated hip, he didn’t let go pleading for His blessing.
It is significant that they wrestled until daybreak. The darkness symbolises Jacob’s situation and ours today. It was a long struggle. When Jacob understood it was not an ordinary struggle he pleaded “I will not let You go unless You bless me”. At this point they were not wrestling anymore, Jacob was just holding on. He now understood that you do not get anywhere with God by struggling and resisting, but by yielding and just holding on.
When you are willing to hold on, God is always ready to help you. The Lord desires that we persist in prayer and align ourselves with His will. The Angel gave him a new name. “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel”. Jacob would no longer be called the supplanter (he who grasps), but the prevailer because he struggled with God, to gain the blessing, and with men (Esau & Laban), and overcame. New names have a significance. For Jacob it was possession. This new name would always be a reminder of his new destiny, and the new limp a reminder to live in the fear of the lord. Jacob received his blessing, this time it wasn’t obtained by deceit and treachery but rightfully.
Take a few moments to thin about these questions:
How long does God have to wrestle with you before you yield all aspects of your life to Him? What does He have to dislocate in your life before you come to the end of yourself?
The angel could have overpowered him but he did not. He allowed Jacob to hang on because he saw that his faith was growing as he wrestled in prayer. As Jacob clung desperately, the angel touched his hip as a reminder of the encounter forever. Even with a dislocated hip, he didn’t let go pleading for His blessing.
It is significant that they wrestled until daybreak. The darkness symbolises Jacob’s situation and ours today. It was a long struggle. When Jacob understood it was not an ordinary struggle he pleaded “I will not let You go unless You bless me”. At this point they were not wrestling anymore, Jacob was just holding on. He now understood that you do not get anywhere with God by struggling and resisting, but by yielding and just holding on.
When you are willing to hold on, God is always ready to help you. The Lord desires that we persist in prayer and align ourselves with His will. The Angel gave him a new name. “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel”. Jacob would no longer be called the supplanter (he who grasps), but the prevailer because he struggled with God, to gain the blessing, and with men (Esau & Laban), and overcame. New names have a significance. For Jacob it was possession. This new name would always be a reminder of his new destiny, and the new limp a reminder to live in the fear of the lord. Jacob received his blessing, this time it wasn’t obtained by deceit and treachery but rightfully.
Take a few moments to thin about these questions:
How long does God have to wrestle with you before you yield all aspects of your life to Him? What does He have to dislocate in your life before you come to the end of yourself?
Monday, 24 April 2017
Be alone with the Lord
Most people
are uncomfortable in silence, being still is not something we like very
much. We get fidgety on a quiet train,
bus or aeroplane, finding solace on our phones and tablets. When driving we
turn on the radio even if we are not listening. Most times these distractions
prevent us from acknowledging the longing within us for more. It is by sitting
in silence and taking a look within that we become aware of our deepest need.
Jacob sent
his family and possessions across the stream and was left alone. It was at this
point that he wrestled with God. In that encounter, he came face to face with
his true nature. He admitted his name was ‘Jacob’ which meant- the one who
grasps. And God gave him a new name Isreal because he had overcome. He was no
longer going to keep grasping and wrestling but was now an overcomer. This
experience came about when he was stripped of the noise, and spent time in
Finding time
away from the distractions and the noisiness all around helps us to truly look
within and be honest about who we really are. We can name our fears and our
faults, our longings and our hurts. In our brokenness and quietness, we allow
God to reshape us, to heal us, to bring us new blessings. Will you give
yourself some space today? Will you find some time alone with God? Will you
allow the Spirit of God to bring to the surface the things you are ashamed of?
so that He can give you a new name. When we wait for God alone we will find
Don’t settle
for the false securities of life. Don’t settle for the busyness and noise of
life. Don’t hold on to momentary attachments and short-lived pleasures. Take a
moment to ‘send it all across the river’, find time to be still, and wait on
the lord.
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Peace in a chaotic world
We live in a troubled and chaotic world. News of poverty, terrorism, war, injustice, violence, shootings and natural disasters constantly pour out from the media. This is not how it should be. Something is definitely wrong with our world. Many have found themselves helpless in the face of all the troubles. We often wonder how we can find peace in a world full of chaos.

It is worth noting that Jesus first rebuked their lack of faith before he rebuked the storm. He expected them to have faith despite the storm. Perhaps he expected that they will rebuke the storm. In these troubled times, are you struggling to fight the wind and waves in fear like the disciples? Or are you standing in faith to say “peace be still”? Are you seeking Jesus as your first resort or you looking for him after failing in your power?
Thursday, 20 April 2017
For the joy
I often hear mothers recount stories of childbirth and there are always stories of long hours of labour, pain, induction and all sort of experiences. Some even try to compare who had the longest labour or more heart-wrenching story. I find it amazing that many women still willingly put themselves through the pain even after hearing these stories. The conclusion of childbirth stories for most mothers is that it was worth it once they first held their babies or when they gazed at those little eyes. They were overwhelmed with love and barely felt the pain
Jesus knew the implications of the cross. He knew He will suffer, be in pain and die a most horrid death. Yet for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. For the joy of our salvation, it was worth it. For the joy that one day we will rule and reign with Him forever, it was worth it.
The call to follow Christ is not an easy one as there will be times of rejection, persecution, difficulty and temptation. But irrespective of what we face as followers of Jesus, a glorious future awaits us.
We can look forward knowing that one day - “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone forever.” Rev 21:4
One day we will see our Saviour face to face, and enter into His presence, and nothing else will matter. Oh, the joy on that day when our pain, hurt, tears, and disappointments are forgotten with the embrace of His perfect love. Oh, what joy when we see our Lord face to face! May this season bring us a fresh reminder of the glory to come and the wonderful gift of forgiveness God has offered to us. May we be filled with inexpressible joy as we run the race set before us.
Jesus knew the implications of the cross. He knew He will suffer, be in pain and die a most horrid death. Yet for the joy set before Him, He endured the cross. For the joy of our salvation, it was worth it. For the joy that one day we will rule and reign with Him forever, it was worth it.
The call to follow Christ is not an easy one as there will be times of rejection, persecution, difficulty and temptation. But irrespective of what we face as followers of Jesus, a glorious future awaits us.
We can look forward knowing that one day - “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone forever.” Rev 21:4
One day we will see our Saviour face to face, and enter into His presence, and nothing else will matter. Oh, the joy on that day when our pain, hurt, tears, and disappointments are forgotten with the embrace of His perfect love. Oh, what joy when we see our Lord face to face! May this season bring us a fresh reminder of the glory to come and the wonderful gift of forgiveness God has offered to us. May we be filled with inexpressible joy as we run the race set before us.
Saturday, 1 April 2017
Be still when anxious
What are you worried about today? Is it money? A friendship or relationship? Maybe health concerns have let you feeling overwhelmed. Jesus knows all of our concerns. He is attentive to our heart and knows what we are worried about. Our worries are not trivial or unimportant to Him but they don't produce the result we seek rather it steals our peace. Only God can provide the things we hope for, only God can work out every situation for His glory and our good.
In the book of psalms, we are called to be still and wait patiently for God to act. But waiting is hard, I have experienced it. Worrying, on the other hand, is active; it gives us something to do, say, or to talk about with others. Jesus teaches that when we feel overwhelmed by life, it is important to let our hearts be still and wait.

Jesus definitely cares about our concerns, but He also knows the one thing that is necessary. Just like Martha, I was recently overwhelmed with all that was going on in my life. In my anxiety, I said to the Lord, ‘how can you let this happen?’... Then the still small voice of the spirit said to me, "You have all you need". ‘Lord do you mean I don't need this and that?’ I questioned. Then I heard it again ‘if you don't have it now you don't need it, stop worrying, I see it all and you have all you need’.
As the new month begins, let God lead you to what is necessary. Before the rush of each day, before the cares and concerns race to overtake you, stop for a moment. Picture yourself at the feet of Jesus. Be still, be quiet in your heart and listen.
Stop worrying about the actions of others, about what they did or didn't do. Wait on the lord and remember that only God can bring about what we are hoping for. Be still, and wait.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Dream to Action
All dream are created twice, firstly in the mind and then in the physical. All businesses, inventions, works of art, or buildings are first conceived in the imagination. Though everything begins with an idea, dreams/ideas become reality when we believe and work towards achieving them.
Our dreams will never exceed an imagination if we do not intentionally work towards them. Simply put, we can't achieve what we don’t believe. While having an idea is very important, the execution of that idea is what matters more. If your dream is to be a writer, own a business, lose weight or have a happier home, you must take actions towards achieving them. This often involves hard work and sometimes tears.
I like people who think because they make me think. But It's those who are doers that I love even more because they inspire me to action. They make things happen. In one of my favourite stories from the bible the master says: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The master did not say “Well planned, well thought, or well said… good and faithful servant”. No! he said Well done to the one who put in some action. Setting goals are brilliant but we must be inspired and committed enough to go after them.
Our dreams will never exceed an imagination if we do not intentionally work towards them. Simply put, we can't achieve what we don’t believe. While having an idea is very important, the execution of that idea is what matters more. If your dream is to be a writer, own a business, lose weight or have a happier home, you must take actions towards achieving them. This often involves hard work and sometimes tears.
I like people who think because they make me think. But It's those who are doers that I love even more because they inspire me to action. They make things happen. In one of my favourite stories from the bible the master says: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” The master did not say “Well planned, well thought, or well said… good and faithful servant”. No! he said Well done to the one who put in some action. Setting goals are brilliant but we must be inspired and committed enough to go after them.
“Without perspiration to match your inspiration, your dream imagined will turn into a dream deferred” – Mark Batterson
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Your destiny unfolds
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”...Every time I read this verse I'm deeply encouraged, consequently, it gives me a sense of destiny and purpose. Isn't it wonderful to know that God knew you before you were conceived? He ordained your days, ordered your footsteps, and prepared good works for you in advance.
Many people rarely discern their destiny at a particular time, while for others their destiny's are revealed after they die. Consider King David from the bible, he may have reigned over a kingdom of millions, but the book of psalms, have inspired billions. It can be said to be David’s longest legacy. And I don't think he realised it at the time. For some, your greatest influence might be posthumous. God ways are not our ways, He has the final say and gets the glory at the end. Your greatest influence might be the church or children or charitable work that outlive you. It may be in the books you have written, your songs, live videos or blogs. It may be in the help you rendered to the homeless, the widows, the orphaned or the needy.
Just because something is not a part of your life plan doesn’t mean it’s not a part of your destiny. Without knowing it, God may be fulfilling his call on your life. Your part is to obey Him and He will take it from there. With every experience in my life, it's clear to me that God is working out his plan even when I do not realise it. Likewise, God is working out his purpose in your life even when you are not aware of it. He is working out his good, pleasing, and perfect plan in all things. All the experiences of the past are preparing you for something great in your future. God uses everything and wastes nothing, consequently, for what may look like a setback, God has already prepared a comeback. The God who works all things together for good will use every experience, every mistake, and every skill you have acquired to lead you to your destiny.
Before your conception, God had the script for your life. And He is in the process of fulfilling that destiny.
Monday, 27 March 2017
The word heals
I have learned that changing my life first begins with a change in my mind. I must seek something stronger and more powerful to replace the negatives in my life and there is nothing stronger and more powerful than the word of God. It is the word of God which transforms our minds creating a new picture or vision. When we have a new vision it translates into the words that we speak, changing the whole course of life.
Holding on to past hurts opens the door to long-term bitterness, anger issues, unforgiveness and hatred. But when you replace the negative words, opinions and hurts with God’s words, nothing can stop you from fulfilling God’s purposes and plans for your life. To heal from the past confront it, accept it happened, renew your mind and start speaking life into your future
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Tribute to my Mum
My mother is priceless, I don’t think I could live without her. Though she has six biological children her undying love for every one of us is like no other. She exudes this love in so many ways to all her children biological, spiritual, adopted, foster, son and daughters in law alike. My mother makes life full, exciting, purposeful and brings out the best in us. She has the most beautiful soul and has set a good example for us to serve, accomplish and persevere. She is a wonderful woman full of strength, wisdom, determination and kindness.
She is a great teacher, who gives guidance to anyone who asks. She is a true friend and confidant, comfort, rock, cushion when we fall and the best source of hope and inspiration in difficult times. She is selfless and very kind. She sacrificed so much for her family, taking on all types of trades and businesses to ensure that we got the best. She is a woman whose love for her husband is one to admire, a virtuous woman, a godly woman, always putting God first in all things. She mentions the names of all her children before God in prayer every day- Yes she is a woman of prayer and the word. Though from humble beginnings God lifted her up as light to the nations. God did what only He can do in her life.
I count myself blessed to have my mother through life’s journey in joy and sorrow. She has been my support through obstacles. I have seen grace overflowing in her life, being there as an encouragement to all who know her. She is a great teacher that has shaped the lives of many and is still raising generations. She is an inspiration to many and a woman of integrity. A mother who always makes her children proud and to whom we can always look up. She encourages, guides, teaches, trains and lets us see that there is no limit to achieving greatness. Nneoma! Ezinne! Adadioramma! Ochiora nwanyi generations rise and call you blessed. Happy mother’s day mum, we love you.
To all mothers married, unmarried, with children, or still hoping for children. To those mothers who have gone before but whose memories are still very dear in our hearts. To mothers who keep sleepless nights praying that their children will find their way back to God… The lord says you are blessed and so are your seed. Happy Mother’s Day
Saturday, 25 March 2017
Let your light shine
In today’s papers, there was a picture of paramedics giving first aid and trying to save the life of the man who had committed the act of terror in London. It touched my heart and I tried to imagine how they must have felt. Was it duty, love or responsibility? I may not know the reason, but it reminded me of mankind. Though we were full of sin and deserving to die, God showed His love to us by sending His son Jesus Christ as our saviour. We did not deserve to be shown mercy but He did. All of us who are alive have been given another chance to accept Gods love and to change our ways because of what Jesus did on the cross.
Another point worth noting is that if we treat others according to how they have treated us, are we any different to those who don't know God? All God’s children are called to be light. We should treat others with love, respect and kindness irrespective of who they are or what they have done. It is hard but our light shines brightest by our actions.
PS: my heart and prayers go out to the families of all who lost loved ones or who were injured as a result of this. It was a senseless act and only God can truly comfort and heal the vacuum in your heart
Friday, 24 March 2017
Choose love
The events of the London terror attack is another reminder of what hate can do. So many thoughts and emotions ran through my head as a watched the events unfold on the news. I felt so sad for the innocent people, going about their daily lives who were killed or were badly injured that day. There is so much news of terror in the world but this one was so close. I couldn’t help but remember how many times I have been in that area, in fact just a few weeks earlier I was on that bridge with my kids. Lord I prayed, ‘why would you let such happen’, but that's the reality of today's world.We live in difficult trying times, times when the heart of men are seeking how to hurt or cause pain and destroy.
In times like this, we must let our light outshine the darkness all around. We need to show love to a hurting world. We must not let the evil acts of others define who we are, or how we react to situations. We must hold on to the biblical truths of loving God and others. We should show kindness without any fear and always remember that a life of love has more benefits than one of hatred.
In the midst of all the crisis in the world Jesus says in John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”.
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Discipline and Self-control
Just like we need a balanced diet to grow physically, we need a balanced diet to grow strong in the Lord. This includes not just comfort and encouragement, but also clear instruction on what you must do to grow in your faith. Discipline and self-control are very important virtues for Christians, because without these we may never achieve the dreams and goals God has planted in our heart. To be the person God wants you to be you must learn to practice discipline and self-control.
Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it's painful! But afterwards, there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way” (NLT).Living with discipline and self-control yields a harvest of peace that exceeds the momentary pleasure of living without boundaries. Saying “no” to the things that poison our life, means we are saying "yes" to things that contribute to the wellness of our spirit. God puts some people and allows some situations in your life to polish and mold you into the image of Christ. Stop saying that self-control is too hard or that you don't have any willpower and start spending more time with God. Everything comes together when we spend time with God. He gives us the strength to be self-controlled even in the most tempting situation.
If you want to build discipline and self-control into your life, study, pray and stay in the presence of God. It is the Lord who makes things happen in your life, without Him we can do nothing. Desire more of Gods plan for your life than just getting your own way.
Friday, 10 March 2017
He is not slow
We live in a fast world we want everything to speed up for us. Waiting at the traffic light for a few minutes often feels like an hour. We hate waiting at the checkout, we want it all fast. We often get disappointed with God if our answers don't come quickly.
The truth is that God does not really move according to our timetable and our desire for a quick passage every time. What we see as slowness is not that way to God. We are His masterpiece. He did not make us in a rush or hurry and His plans for our life is for excellence, to serve and fulfil His good purpose a day at a time and not speedily or in a hurry. When it seems the Lord is delaying in answering our prayer, He is not. There is always a lesson for our benefit. His desire is that we learn to listen; to patiently wait; to seek Him wholeheartedly; to build our faith and trust only in Him. Always keep your hope alive - have that positive attitude that something good is about to happen. Believe it because God is working for your good at all times, He is working out His master plan for you.
The truth is that God does not really move according to our timetable and our desire for a quick passage every time. What we see as slowness is not that way to God. We are His masterpiece. He did not make us in a rush or hurry and His plans for our life is for excellence, to serve and fulfil His good purpose a day at a time and not speedily or in a hurry. When it seems the Lord is delaying in answering our prayer, He is not. There is always a lesson for our benefit. His desire is that we learn to listen; to patiently wait; to seek Him wholeheartedly; to build our faith and trust only in Him. Always keep your hope alive - have that positive attitude that something good is about to happen. Believe it because God is working for your good at all times, He is working out His master plan for you.
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Choose life
As we march on in this season of lent let us not fail to remember that with every choice we make comes a consequence. What this means, is that even though we freely choose what we do, we don't freely choose the result of such action. Quite often ask I stop to consider the consequence of choices I make and this has helped me make better decisions. Asking myself ‘why’ or seeking to remember the reason I started in the first place often keeps me in check and helps me to keep growing in the right direction.
Lent is a time, to be honest about our choices and their consequences to ourselves and to others around us. God clearly says in the bible that He gives us a choice but we should choose life. Having said that, we have all made bad choices at some point in our lives and some are still making such choices. The good news is that - it is not the end of the world because we can make a different choice and that is the opportunity Jesus gave us when He chose to die for our sins.
The encouragement today is that regardless of where we are, regardless of how dark it may seem, regardless of the choices we have made, we have been given the opportunity to make a fresh choice for life. Remember the God’s invite: “Now choose life so that you and your children may live”. As you go about your daily tasks ask yourself if your choices are bringing life or taking life from you. Declare that you choose life and life in abundance. Ask God to for guidance and direction to make choices that bring life and give Him all the glory for giving us abundant life in Jesus
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Ash Wednesday
Many people will have ashes crossed on their foreheads today. It signifies Ash Wednesday- the beginning of lent and a reminder that we came from dust and one day will return to dust. It is important that we remember we are not going to live on this earth forever. Most of the things that we chase now - what to wear, how we look, money, what we own (houses, cars, jewellery, etc) are temporal. Our first priority should be the health/ well-being of our souls as this will last for eternity. As we begin this new season let us constantly remember that we belong to God, return to him and seek Him with all your heart.God bless you
Thursday, 16 February 2017
God has a purpose
There have been times when I have been lonely following God. There have been times when those I thought I could on depend on for support and encouragement disappointed me. I have been misunderstood, and even criticised for choosing to obey God but I have come to see that in it all God has a purpose.
I remember the story of Joseph from the bible. He was his father's favourite and he had a dream about his future. But rather than get the support of his brothers he was criticised, betrayed and sold as a slave. It was a very tough journey for Joseph as he went from being a servant to being a thrown into prison and forgotten. One striking thing the bible records was that God was him (Gen 39:2-3, 21, 23). Yes God was with Him through those difficult times, through the uncertainties and problems. He must have had low moments, there must have times when he felt afraid, but he did not give up. He never forgot the dream. He never forgot that God was him. Even when it seemed his prayers were unanswered, God was right there, through it all God had a purpose.
Eventually one faithful day he saw the fulfilment of his dream - he was a ruler and those who betrayed him bowed to him. He was moved to tears as he said to them, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20)
We were not promised a bed of roses as we move towards our dream. God never said it will be an easy ride but He assures us that He will be with us through it all. Today remember that even in this God has a purpose - you are not alone. He has a purpose for your pain, loneliness and everything you pass through. In your lowest moments say a prayer and keep moving- He is right there.
I remember the story of Joseph from the bible. He was his father's favourite and he had a dream about his future. But rather than get the support of his brothers he was criticised, betrayed and sold as a slave. It was a very tough journey for Joseph as he went from being a servant to being a thrown into prison and forgotten. One striking thing the bible records was that God was him (Gen 39:2-3, 21, 23). Yes God was with Him through those difficult times, through the uncertainties and problems. He must have had low moments, there must have times when he felt afraid, but he did not give up. He never forgot the dream. He never forgot that God was him. Even when it seemed his prayers were unanswered, God was right there, through it all God had a purpose.
Eventually one faithful day he saw the fulfilment of his dream - he was a ruler and those who betrayed him bowed to him. He was moved to tears as he said to them, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20)
We were not promised a bed of roses as we move towards our dream. God never said it will be an easy ride but He assures us that He will be with us through it all. Today remember that even in this God has a purpose - you are not alone. He has a purpose for your pain, loneliness and everything you pass through. In your lowest moments say a prayer and keep moving- He is right there.
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
God loves you
God loves you very much. His love is different from anything you have ever experienced. It is not based on what you have done or what you have not done. He doesn’t love you more for being good or less when you sin. His love is constant. Before you were born God loved you; while you were a sinner God loved you and sent His son to die for you. He does not give up on you, He cannot get tired of you and He will do anything for you.
In the bible we see our loving God not giving up on his people. When they got lost he sought to bring them back. He made a way to rescue them. He fought battles for them when in trouble. He protected them in the wilderness. He sent them a saviour when they cried to Him. He embraced them and gave them eternal life.
God loves you incredibly, He sent His son to save you, He is thinking of you right now and waiting for you to respond to His love. You don’t need to do anything extra- just come as you are. My prayer for you today is that you will accept His invitation and experience love like you never have.
In the bible we see our loving God not giving up on his people. When they got lost he sought to bring them back. He made a way to rescue them. He fought battles for them when in trouble. He protected them in the wilderness. He sent them a saviour when they cried to Him. He embraced them and gave them eternal life.
God loves you incredibly, He sent His son to save you, He is thinking of you right now and waiting for you to respond to His love. You don’t need to do anything extra- just come as you are. My prayer for you today is that you will accept His invitation and experience love like you never have.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Affirmative words
Valentine's day is a day to celebrate love. There are diverse views on the meaning of love and what today represents, however, will talk about showing love by being specific in the things we say. We deliberately choose the way we speak, and one thing that makes a happy relationship is cherishing our spouse with our words.
Think about why are you are in love with your spouse; about what you admire in him/her; about what makes you smile when they come to mind and tell them.
If your husband /wife doesn’t hear encouraging words from you, who will they hear it from? It is your responsibility to be their main encourager once you get married. It is part of your job to support and encourage your spouse. If the only or the main encouragement they get is from in-laws, church groups, children's, or even their best friends- then there is something wrong. You should be your spouse's main encourager, chief supporter, and advocate. Always speak specific kind words to them.
When specific and encouraging things are said to our spouse we reinforce that good attribute. Saying things like “I appreciate your integrity; I love seeing you so happy; your kindness is remarkable”, registers in the mind and makes your spouse more likely to keep the good. This valentine if you want a better relationship with your spouse, find something good and reinforce it specifically and verbally.
An early church father John Chrysostom once said to husbands, “Never call her by her name alone, but with terms of endearment also, with honour, with much love. If you honour her, she won’t require honour from others; she won’t desire that praise that others give if she enjoys the praise that comes from you. Prefer her before all others, in every way, both for her beauty and for her sensitivity, and praise her"Most people are very specific when criticising their spouse. We hear things like “have you seen how fat you are- look at that tummy?” “It drives me crazy that you laugh so loud or stop laughing like a witch”. “You are so lazy -just look at this house”. “What horrible hairstyle". "Why is your make up is too much- you look ugly?”.“This food is salty you just can't cook etc. However, when it comes to praising their spouse they keep it in their hearts and not say anything. Why is it that when the food is delicious the spouse gets no words of appreciation? We should verbalise positive things and that means being specific and intentional with our words. It means so much more to your spouse when you say “You look gorgeous in that dress, your hair is lovely tonight!” than a general -“you are okay" when she asks about how she looks. As heartfelt praise cannot be overdone learn to use specific words of genuine appreciation
Think about why are you are in love with your spouse; about what you admire in him/her; about what makes you smile when they come to mind and tell them.
If your husband /wife doesn’t hear encouraging words from you, who will they hear it from? It is your responsibility to be their main encourager once you get married. It is part of your job to support and encourage your spouse. If the only or the main encouragement they get is from in-laws, church groups, children's, or even their best friends- then there is something wrong. You should be your spouse's main encourager, chief supporter, and advocate. Always speak specific kind words to them.
When specific and encouraging things are said to our spouse we reinforce that good attribute. Saying things like “I appreciate your integrity; I love seeing you so happy; your kindness is remarkable”, registers in the mind and makes your spouse more likely to keep the good. This valentine if you want a better relationship with your spouse, find something good and reinforce it specifically and verbally.
Monday, 13 February 2017
God has got you
It is the beginning of a new week and I'm excited. The possibilities are endless with the right attitude. Do not keep your focus on the troubles and disappointments of yesterday, instead look to the Lord for guidance, learn the lessons from every situation and keep growing. As the week begins, remember that He is in control. God's got you and that is a fact. He doesn't do things halfway, when He begins a thing in your life He brings it to completion.
Exodus14:26-28 The Lord said to Moses,“Hold out your hand over the sea, and the water will come back over the Egyptians and their chariots and drivers.” So Moses held out his hand over the sea, and at daybreak, the water returned to its normal level. The Egyptians tried to escape from the water, but the Lord threw them into the sea. The water returned and covered the chariots, the drivers, and all the Egyptian army that had followed the Israelites into the sea; not one of them was left
Pharaoh thought it was a good idea to follow the Israelites and bring them back to Egypt as slaves. He must have imagined that they had no escape route unless they wanted to drown in the Red Sea. He had forgotten the plagues God sent on Egypt. He underestimated what God will do to rescue His children. They Egyptians realised their mistake too late - not one of them survived.
Today God still intervenes for his children. He has got you covered, he is in control. You may feel like you are being chased by problems and pressures, you may be worried about what lies ahead this week. No matter the situation Look to the Lord for guidance, never forget He is in control and He will defeat all the enemies. He doesn't do things halfway.
Are you aware that God is working out things on your behalf even when it doesn’t appear that way?

Today God still intervenes for his children. He has got you covered, he is in control. You may feel like you are being chased by problems and pressures, you may be worried about what lies ahead this week. No matter the situation Look to the Lord for guidance, never forget He is in control and He will defeat all the enemies. He doesn't do things halfway.
Are you aware that God is working out things on your behalf even when it doesn’t appear that way?
Friday, 10 February 2017
Life is a gift, be grateful
We often take for granted that we wake up every day and we mostly don't give it an extra thought. When we realising that every day is a gift from God we have the opportunity to value it. One way to do this is by using our day purposefully, not wasting our time, not allowing our circumstances control and manipulate us. We should make each day count by living with a purpose and not just letting the day roll by, allowing the wind and distractions make choices for us. When we value each day and put our time to good use it shows gratitude to God. We should not live in bitterness but seek to get better no matter what comes our way.Praise God in all situations. I have found that among the worst kind of people are the ungrateful ones. Be grateful for Gods protection, for your family, your career, for salvation, for safe journey every day, for unconditional love, for uncommon wisdom, for escaping calamities, for divine healing, for long life, for divine intervention, be grateful for everything and in everything. Value your life and be grateful for it.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
The right side [part 4]
Our final lesson from this series is: The answer is often closer than we think. Going back to our story, the fish were not on the far side of the lake, but just on the other side of the boat. Like the disciples, you have to cast the net on the side with the fish. The answer you seek is quite often as close as your willingness to obey what God asks you to do.
We see this lesson over and over in the bible, the answer is closer than we realise. There is a story of Naaman a Syrian general with leprosy in 2 kings:1-14. He came to Elisha the prophet for healing. Elisha asked him to go and wash in the river Jordan and he was disappointed. He expected a big great solution for his problem. He imagined the prophet would tell him to do something spectacular. He felt the water where he lived was better than river Jordan. He refused to obey until he was convinced by his servants that there was no harm in trying and when he obeyed he was healed. How often have we sought the big answers wasting our time and energy instead of obeying God? A preacher once said - ‘If you are going to fish, you have to put down your net where the fish are. If you are going to receive the answer God has for you, you have to do what He says, when He says it and where He says to do it’.
Often we pray for answers to our problems and when it comes we don’t like it because we already had in mind how God should do it. In fact, some people expect God to do everything for them while they do nothing. They spend time praying for a job but are not willing to fill an application form. They pray for a promotion but are unwilling to work hard. They pray for their children to grow up as responsible adults but are willing to train or correct them. They expect God to wave his hand and make everything perfect. Remember the disciples had to cast the net to catch the fish. Naaman had to go and wash in the river. The answer you seek may not be the big thing you desire that will attract lots of attention. God asks us to do the simple thing of obeying what he says and doing it consistently. It is when you obey and cast your net on the other side that the net is filled.
I hope you have all being blessed reading the lessons from this story. I would like to hear from you. Please click on the ‘Follow’ button for new fresh inspiration every day. God bless you
We see this lesson over and over in the bible, the answer is closer than we realise. There is a story of Naaman a Syrian general with leprosy in 2 kings:1-14. He came to Elisha the prophet for healing. Elisha asked him to go and wash in the river Jordan and he was disappointed. He expected a big great solution for his problem. He imagined the prophet would tell him to do something spectacular. He felt the water where he lived was better than river Jordan. He refused to obey until he was convinced by his servants that there was no harm in trying and when he obeyed he was healed. How often have we sought the big answers wasting our time and energy instead of obeying God? A preacher once said - ‘If you are going to fish, you have to put down your net where the fish are. If you are going to receive the answer God has for you, you have to do what He says, when He says it and where He says to do it’.
Often we pray for answers to our problems and when it comes we don’t like it because we already had in mind how God should do it. In fact, some people expect God to do everything for them while they do nothing. They spend time praying for a job but are not willing to fill an application form. They pray for a promotion but are unwilling to work hard. They pray for their children to grow up as responsible adults but are willing to train or correct them. They expect God to wave his hand and make everything perfect. Remember the disciples had to cast the net to catch the fish. Naaman had to go and wash in the river. The answer you seek may not be the big thing you desire that will attract lots of attention. God asks us to do the simple thing of obeying what he says and doing it consistently. It is when you obey and cast your net on the other side that the net is filled.
I hope you have all being blessed reading the lessons from this story. I would like to hear from you. Please click on the ‘Follow’ button for new fresh inspiration every day. God bless you
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
The right side [part 3]
Our next lesson from the story is: We encounter God after we come to the end of our ourselves. Recall that the disciples had been fishing all night and they had done all they could. We established earlier that though fishing was one thing they were experts at but they caught nothing. They had come to the end of what they could do. After spending their time, resources, energy and they got to the point of surrender then God showed up. Many of us often don’t give in to God until we come to the end of our resources and see our weakness. We must get to the point of completely giving the control to God and forgetting about personal success. We must get to a point where recognise that we cannot do anything on our own and ask Him to completely take over, resolving that we will do all that He wants us to. Things begin to happen for us when we stop trying our own way and let Him have His way. That is the lesson- when we come to the end of us, we come to the beginning of God. When we come to the end of what we can do, that is when we are ready to see what God can do.
When disciples came to the end of their resources, they had a miraculous catch of large fish. It was an enormous catch, more than they ever anticipated.Despite all the pressure on the net, there wasn’t a break or tear. That can only be God.
Jesus had already prepared breakfast when they arrived. He knew they will be tired and hungry and he provided for them. Have you ever wondered where fish and the bread came from? Surely Jesus didn’t go to the shops – No! He miraculously provided just as he had done before when feeding the crowds. We have a God who makes something out of nothing.
Jesus always makes something out of nothing and He is still the same today. He has not changed. When all you have tried in life turns out to be nothing He can make something of it. We have a God who makes fish and bread from nothing, who knows your needs before you arrive and prepares for you. He restores health where there was sickness. He gives beauty for ashes and strength in your weakness. He gives hope in despair, and life where there was death. He gives forgiveness where there was shame. He is a God of new beginnings. When we come to the end of ourselves, we reach the beginning of him.
When disciples came to the end of their resources, they had a miraculous catch of large fish. It was an enormous catch, more than they ever anticipated.Despite all the pressure on the net, there wasn’t a break or tear. That can only be God.
Jesus had already prepared breakfast when they arrived. He knew they will be tired and hungry and he provided for them. Have you ever wondered where fish and the bread came from? Surely Jesus didn’t go to the shops – No! He miraculously provided just as he had done before when feeding the crowds. We have a God who makes something out of nothing.
Jesus always makes something out of nothing and He is still the same today. He has not changed. When all you have tried in life turns out to be nothing He can make something of it. We have a God who makes fish and bread from nothing, who knows your needs before you arrive and prepares for you. He restores health where there was sickness. He gives beauty for ashes and strength in your weakness. He gives hope in despair, and life where there was death. He gives forgiveness where there was shame. He is a God of new beginnings. When we come to the end of ourselves, we reach the beginning of him.
Monday, 6 February 2017
The right side [part 2]
Continuing from our story in John 21:1-7. The first lesson I want to talk about is obedience. Jesus told the disciples to cast their net on the right side and they did just that. What are the chances that they had not tried that side for fish? But they did not argue they simply obeyed. Sometimes I struggle to obey when God wants me to take the first step towards reconciliation after being hurt by others. I have found myself in situations where it seems there was no answer. Even after trying everything I thought I should do, it still seemed I was losing control of the situation.While Jesus could have miraculously supplied fish to the disciples He rather tested their obedience so that they could learn that blessings follow obedience.
The success of your relationship with God depends on your obedience. God sometimes asks us to do what could look ridiculous to test our obedience. I have learned that there are blessings when we obey God, and it also shows humility. He may have allowed that situation as a test of your obedience. Remember that you are not smarter than God and you cannot expect different results if you keep doing the same things or if you go against what God says. Success comes when you are willing to listen and do what He says.
There is a connection between obedience and humility. Though the disciples knew all about fishing, they had to be humble enough to do what Jesus said rather than trusting what they personally knew. Jesus desires that we have a teachable spirit. I personally believe that one of the most important characteristics you can have is a teachable spirit. Those people who can’t be told anything, never listen to advice and don’t want to hear it because they think they know it all, never, never learn. We must be willing to do what God says having a humble and teachable spirit.
The success of your relationship with God depends on your obedience. God sometimes asks us to do what could look ridiculous to test our obedience. I have learned that there are blessings when we obey God, and it also shows humility. He may have allowed that situation as a test of your obedience. Remember that you are not smarter than God and you cannot expect different results if you keep doing the same things or if you go against what God says. Success comes when you are willing to listen and do what He says.
There is a connection between obedience and humility. Though the disciples knew all about fishing, they had to be humble enough to do what Jesus said rather than trusting what they personally knew. Jesus desires that we have a teachable spirit. I personally believe that one of the most important characteristics you can have is a teachable spirit. Those people who can’t be told anything, never listen to advice and don’t want to hear it because they think they know it all, never, never learn. We must be willing to do what God says having a humble and teachable spirit.
Do you sometimes struggle to obey God in some areas? I would like to hear your thoughts on the humility and obedience. Join me tomorrow as we dig deeper into life lessons from this story.
Saturday, 4 February 2017
The right side [part 1]
What do you do when you have an unbelievable day? When what
seemed to be a good start to the day suddenly goes all wrong. That’s exactly
how my day went, a sudden spiral down, things we not right at every turn,
sadness, and despair beckoning at me. I had to intentionally look on the right
side, I had to search within for strength and reason, I had to come back and
read this blog. I had to bare my mind to my heavenly father.
The disciples too had a day like mine, after the crucifixion
of Jesus, they decided to do what they knew how to do best – fishing. This was one thing they were brilliant at doing, they must have grown up
watching men fish, they knew the secrets of the sea, they had a
passion for fishing, it was their thing. On that day, however, they toiled
all night but caught NOTHING.Can you believe it? How could they not even catch
one fish with all their experience? I can imagine the despair and exhaustion as
they returned back to land. Jesus called
out to them asking for fish, it must have shameful for them but they had to
admit they caught nothing.
Then he says to them ‘cast your net on the right
side and you will find some’. It must have looked like a weird thing to suggest as they
had been trying all night, but what difference could it make to try the right side
one last time. They obeyed and there was such a big catch that they could not
pull and only then did they recognise it was Jesus.
Their horrible night took a turn for overwhelming blessings
when they cast their net on the right side. Their shame became honour when they
cast the net on the right side. Their day did not end purposeless when they
cast their net on the right side. By obeying that singular command from Jesus everything
turned around.
This was my lesson, God spoke to me on that day and asked me
to cast my net on the right side. He reminded me not to look at all that had
gone wrong, but to look up to Him. He reminded me of His love, He reminded me
that my day did not take Him unawares.I began to see the purpose in my trial, I had to lean totally on Him and keep my focus totally on him. Over the next few days I look forward to sharing the lessons I got from this story with you.
Friday, 3 February 2017
work with passion
Life is full
of hard work. Some days we move mountains and other days seem purposeless.
How we choose to see the work we do is entirely us to us. While some see
their work as a blessing others see it as a curse. In reality it is all about
perspective, understanding our identity and our calling.
When work is
seen just as a way to accumulate wealth, it easily loses its appeal in our
hearts. Working just for earthy rewards can only give us temporary enjoyment.
We easily get frustrated and dissatisfied and begin to question what we do.
understanding our identity, accepting God's promises for us, and having
discernment in our work, helps us begin to see His purpose in what we do. The
truth is that work is a form of worship. God designed all of us with passion,
purpose and potential. This is not just for our own benefit, but for the
benefit of His kingdom and His Glory.
God calls us
as His ambassadors in all places. Whatever the season of work
- running your own business, full-time career, carer, stay home mum, store
keeper, teacher, bar tender - do it as worship unto God, whole heartedly,
depending on Him to give you the strength, grace and the capacity you need to
be effective.
Never forget
that our heavenly Father is interested in what we do with the talents he has
given us. Work is an opportunity for us to use what we have been given to serve
others and to give Him Glory. Take some
time today to think about if your actions show your passions, think about your
purpose, and follow your passions because you will discover your purpose
on that path.
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
Expect the best
Someone recently
said to me "Expect the worst and hope for the best." While I understand
that she meant I should have a backup in case my plans fail, I find it to be a terrible
saying. It misinterprets
the power of expectation which is a form of faith. Your expectation is the
belief that what you're hoping for is actually going to happen, and not a backup
plan to take care of yourself in case it doesn’t. The scriptures say that the
expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off.
It is impossible
to hope for God's best if you're believing for the worst. You can’t hope to
pass your driving test if you expect to fail. How can you hope to get the job
you badly need if you're expecting to get turned down.
There is the story
of Peter from the bible who walked on water to meet Jesus. I can’t imagine what
would have happened to Peter on the Sea if he had been expecting the
worst as he stepped out. That terrible expectation would
have started him off by drowning, then hopefully Jesus would pull him back to
the surface. But Peter did not
expect the worst, No! he started by expecting and hoping for the best. Jesus asked him to come out of the boat, and
he did not see any reason why not. Peter believed he can go to Him walking on
the waves, and he did just that but not for long because his fear got the
better of him, and his faith stopped holding him up. Jesus rebuked him for
expecting the worst. When he believed he could walk on water, he did.
When God calls we should
have such a strong expectation of the best that we are prepared to place the
ball of our foot into uncertain waters. He says to us today "Come to Me, Come
toward the future I have for you’. Expect the best. Hope for the best. Give Him
the glory in all things.
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Keep asking
Just before Christmas I bought my daughter a scooter and she
was very pleased. I explained to her it was part of her Christmas presents and
it should not be used till Christmas day. I don’t think my explanation made much
difference. She was naturally overjoyed and hugged me so many times. She sang
and danced around the house and after every 5 minutes she would ask - ‘mummy
please can I ride my scooter’ and I would politely say ‘you can dear but not
until Christmas’.
What good was that? She must have asked more than 10 times
and every - ‘wait till Christmas day, No, Not now’, made her more determined
to get a ‘yes, go ahead’. She did not care that she had been told to wait that
many times. The persistent widow (Luke 18:1-5) got what she asked for and it
was simply because she persisted. Matt 7:7 encourages us to ask; Mark 11:24
encourages us to believe that we will receive whatever we ask for in prayer. Do not let the NO’s stop you from getting what
you want. Life has its obstacles, challenges, No’s, and problems but we must rise
above it all. We must keep asking, seeking, knocking and doing these in good
spirit. Don’t let the NO’s make you sad, downcast, discouraged, or stop you -
keep asking and believing.
Of course I indulged my daughter, she got a ride on the
scooter and then wrapped it up and put it under the tree for Christmas. She was
still as excited as the first day when she opened it at Christmas.
Monday, 30 January 2017
Ignite your faith
Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as
a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there',and it
will move.Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Jesus used the mustard seed to illustrate that even the
smallest faith can produce big results. Putting our trust completely in God is
sometimes easier said than done, because faith is an assurance that what you
expect and hope for will come to pass. Most people will believe only what they
can see but the bible teaches us to believe that what we expect and hope for
will manifest. No matter what the
situation is around us, we must look beyond and have faith in God.
I have often experienced disappointment when I put my faith
in people. Their intentions may be good but people fail; they change their
minds; they don’t keep appointments or their words; things could come up; so rather
than hoping and trusting in earthly things put your faith in God. He never
fails, He does not change His mind about what He has spoken concerning you, His
love is constant and situations won’t make Him love you less. Faith in God produces
big results, mountains and obstacles will move, those things that seems impossible
become possible and we become an inspiration for others not to settle for a lesser
experience of life.
When we allow God to ignite something in us, that desire inside,
becomes a fire in our heart pushing us to keep going because we have
faith—faith that the God who began this good work would carry it to completion. God wants to use you. What is that passion in
your heart? What are those plans that have lingered in your diary? What are
your fears- ‘if God be for you, who can be against you?'
It is God who put that spark in your heart, He is calling you
to something bigger than you. Put your faith in Him.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
By being
steadfast in prayer and fasting, God gives us more conviction about the next
step in our lives. I woke up this morning feeling low, I didn't have the
strength to pray or do my usual morning routine. I struggled, my mind wondered about
the next step. Then I picked my tablet
and began to read from Isaiah 55:8 and I found strength. As I listened to a
worship song and began to pray, my spirit was lifted up.
that little step in the right direction is more than what you see, it is a new
start to something much bigger than you. I talked about compassion yesterday, our compassion should result in a conviction to action. This could be the beginning of much a greater impact in the
world. It is important to recognise that one intentional action can result in a variety
of positive outcomes. While we may have experienced dead ends at every turn
yesterday, the result of a simple turn today could be multiple open doors. You
must not give up on your convictions. God's ways our higher than ours. We must keep going in the right direction, holding on to God and the conviction within our hearts. Always think about your 'why'.
decided to fast and pray when he heard of what had happened to his people.
we pray and get clarity from God our actions have greater impacts. Praying and fasting is essential in discovering
your path and purpose in life. Ask God to increase your conviction for people
in your community, Take a walk around you,take a look around you, ask questions, listen and learn. We
develop genuine compassion when we understand the realities of other people and
this moves us to make a difference. Hang around people with strong conviction
and purpose because your own certainty and clarity will come as you keep the
right company. Always start
the day with prayer, clarity, intention, purpose. Let God put in your heart a conviction
and move you to action
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