Friday, 6 January 2017


During a conversation with my 6yr old she goes "mum teachers are really smart. They know everything, and I'm really sure about that. You have to do it just like my teacher said". I could see that she believed this with all her heart. The role teachers play in young lives is so significant- They answer all questions; they daily explore new things opening up new worlds; they encourage vocabulary; inspire dreams; seek out passion and strength; they help young minds excel beyond what they thought possible; they not only set the bar for excellence but show how to get there. 

Thinking about the people who have the greatest impact on young lives parents come top on the list then we have teachers and coaches. Many parents have left all the coaching and teaching and guiding and inspiring to the teachers. Nothing is wrong with that except that we loose that vital relationship, and that connection with the young mind. We create a barrier where the kids see us only providers of a house, food, clothes or whatever they physically need. Children should believe in us as teachers who also train, guide and encourage. We are character coaches too, we should provide emotional support, be a listening ear, be an encourager, yell at the lazy, correct in love, bring out the best in them and let them see you believe in them. We are all teachers- not just to our children but to someone looking up to you to understand life. 

The most valuable of all the teachers and coaches are those who can do their work in the name of Christ. "Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever” (Daniel 12:3). Are you making a difference, never forget you are a teacher

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