Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Little eyes

Yesterday I took my toddler to see the paediatric nurse. We spent a few minutes there getting a flu jab. The nurse was lovely and very kind. When we got home my toddler asked if she could draw a picture. ‘Of course' I said, and gave her some markers, pencils, and her drawing book.  After a few minutes. I noticed she had drawn on her wrists and hands. ‘Why did you draw on your hands’ I asked?  ‘I just wanted to be like the nurse' she replied. Then I remembered the nurse had tattoos all over her hands.
It struck me how little ones observe everything. I did not think she had noticed the tattoos, or that they had made such an impression on her. It reinforced a lesson that we often take for granted. We set examples for our children in everything. Their little eyes observe what we do, what we say, how we relate to others, etc. Even in the places we take them, subtle impressions are made on their young minds. Most times we think they are too small to notice or understand but this is far from the truth, the little eyes of children see everything. We must always remember that our kids are watching and learning from us. Daily impressions are being made on their young minds which shape them for the future. Join me tomorrow as I share more on early childhood impressions.

... Be an example.. in your speech, your conduct, your love, faith and purity (1 Tim 4:12)


  1. Wow.....Kids are formed by what they see and hear and sometimes we as parents forget this. It's our duty to guide them. The television and internet also plays a vital role here. Thanks

  2. Thank you for the comment. You are right, the Internet and Television are the greatest teachers and influencers of today's children. We need to do more as parents to ensure that what our children watch is building them up and not destroying them.
